PeoplePro- HR Management System with payroll, finance, attendance, project management and many more

PeoplePro is a software that will you to manage the people in your company or organization in a effective way that can assure a competitieve advantage in your buisness. The system is designed in such a way that can maximize employee performnace . We believe that this software is suitable for managing the people within a workplace to achieve the organization’s mission and reinforce the culture.This user friendly software is fully responsive and has many features. Hopefully this software will be ul to manage your workplace to functionate to it's full potential.

The docs is written in a chronological order . There are some dependencies that need to be maintained properly in a sequential order . Please try to follow that . You can also seach using the search bar for a specific query.

The software is built on most popular PHP framework Laravel (Version-10). The minimum requirements for running the software is listed below .Please do check if your server matches those requirements


Please note if you try to install the application on any other server say LiteSpeed or IIS, you may get undesirable result. We do not recommend you to use other server than Apache or Nginx. Also we do not provide support for installation in server other than Apache. Please follow the installation process, below. Do not use php artisan serve command. And lastly we don't provide support in the localhost (except online server). If you need local machine support, you have to pay extra $50.

If you are installing on localhost, please keep in mind that you’ll need Internet for installation. After installation, you can use PeoplePro without Internet. We suggest you use XAMPP for localhost. You can use other solutions like WAMP, MAMP etc. as well and installation process for all of them are same. Create a folder inside htdocs folder inside your XAMPP installation. Now copy the zip folder you downloaded from Codecanyon to htdocs folder and unzip it there. Rename it to whatever you want. Say, you have named it- ‘my-folder’. Now start your XAMPP (or whatever you are using) and go to your browser and access PeoplePro from your browser like- localhost/my-folder/.

Online Hosting
Upload the zip folder you downloaded from Codecanyon to your hosting and unzip it. Please make sure you configure your web hosting’s settings, so that it shows hidden files and folders. This is to ensure that if you copy/move the contents from the unzipped folder to any other location, you copy all the files including ‘.htaccess’, ‘.env’ files which are necessary for the proper functioning of the software. Now you can access the folder where you have PeoplePro from your browser.

Now follow the installation process below.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Help with installation

We can help you install on any cpanel based hosting for as little as $15. You can send the money via paypal to [email protected]. Contact us at [email protected] with you hosting details and payment proof and we'll take care of the rest.

Please note - If you are installing on localhost, we'll charge $50 for anydesk/teamviewer support(installation).


After successful installation you can login with

If you face 500 server error after installing the software please update your php version to 7.4 or later. If you still get 500 error after updating php version, please open your '.env' file and change the value of 'APP_DEBUG' to true. You'll find '.env' file in the root folder (salepro) And then go to the page again where you were getting 500 server error. You should see description of actual error now. Please take a screenshot and send it over along with your cpanel access details, so that we can look into it.

UPDATE with Existing Data

You can update the software very easily by following 4 steps:

Please follow the following spanshots carefully to merge database:

Open the software.

Select your source and target database and click compare now.

After comparing successfully two database click ok.

Then select the checkbox and click Deployment Wizard.

Uncheck the Recompare after deployment checkbox and click next.

Click Deploy now.

Click Ok.

Thats all! You have just updated the database. Now follow step 4 as we described earlier.

UPDATE without Existing Data

You can update the software very easily by following 2 steps:

Still facing problem? Don't worry! We can update your software for USD 15. Please contact us at [email protected].

After installation go to the project/root url.Then you will be prompt to login. The login credentials provided below are for initial usage only - do not forget to update your password after first successful login.

After successful login you will be redirected to the admin dashboard.

The system offers an informative,interactive and user friendly admin dashboard. The dashboard shows summarized information about the organization in a nutshell.

  1. This is the logo of your site.You can update/change it from General Settings under Customize Settings
  2. This is the name of your organization.You can update/change it from General Settings under Customize Settings
  3. View the software in full screen mode
  4. Notifications

Payment-last six month
This is graph will show you the amount of money that has been spent as a payment to the employees for the last six month.

Employee Department
The doughnut chart will give you a visual information about the employee and their departments. You can hover over the doughnut chart for more details.

Employee Designation
This pie chart will give you a visual information about the employee and their designations. You can hover over the pie chart for more details.

Expense Vs Deposit
This is the expense vs deposit pie chart. You can have a quick idea about the total expense vs total deposit at a glance. For more information hover over the pie chart.

Project Status
The doughnut chart will give you a visual information about the project status of your organization. You can hover over the doughnut chart for more details.

This section will show the latest published announcements.

Open Ticket
This section will show information about the tickets that are open.

Completed Project
The projects that has been Completed will be shown here.

All of them are clickable.

The Calendar will display all the events in a calendar view. Admin can also add a new event from the options (1).
The events are clickable . You can click on a event to view details. If you set your meeting status Ongoing, then it will display in Calender.

After first time login you may want to delete the preloaded data. For that, click on (1), then click on empty database. All the preloaded data will be deleted from the database except few mandatory record that is essential for running the software properly.
Note: This is a batch process, so the action will take some time. Please wait patiently. *** This action is irreversible, if you have your own data/record in the database, this action will delete all of them. This action is recommended only for the first time, unless you are sure about what you are doing.

DataTables is a table enhancing plug-in that offers sorting, paging and filtering abilities . In this software, datatable is used as a toll for showing data.
Here are some of the features and usage for datatable :::

  1. you can select how many records to be shown in a single page (10,25 or all).Default is 10
  2. Selector: You can select all the records/rows and perform action like print to pdf/csv/print or delete multiple rows
  3. Search: Search the records/rows using keywords
  4. Sorting: Sort columns

  1. You can export the records to a pdf using this button
  2. You can export the records to a csv using this button
  3. You can print the records using this button
  4. You can hide/show specific columns using this button
  5. View details of a specific record
  6. Edit/Update a specific record
  7. Delete a specific record

Organization -> Location.
PeoplePro provides an easy to use location module system, where administrator can add multiple locations, and under one location administrator can add companies.Later on, Administrator can edit / update or delete any location information.

Organization -> Company.
Administrator can add multiple companies, and under a company different departments can be added.Administrator can edit / update or delete any company information.

Organization -> Department.
Multiple departments can be added under a company.Administrator can edit / update or delete any department information.

Organization -> Designation.
Multiple designation can be added under a company's department.Administrator can edit / update or delete any designation information.

Timesheets -> Office Shift.
The list of office shift/shifts of a company.You can assign one or multiple office shifts and office timing under this module.

Add Office Shift

Finance -> Account List.
You can view/add/edit/delete account details using this module .

Add Account
You can add account details using this module . This is mandatory for using payroll and finance module.

To add/manage role and their associate permissions you have to go to Roles and Access under Customize Setting module.

Add Role(1)
To add a new role for example like manager,editor etc. Then under this role you can set specific permissions that the role can access .

Set up permissions for the selected role.

Assign Role
Assigning role to a user .By default, admin can access everything.If you want to limit specific user some resources or permissions you can add new role and assign that role to that particular user.

  1. Role :Go Back To Role Page
  2. Assign Role :Assign Role to a user

Select multiple user using checkbox and then assign a role to them.

Customize Setting -> General Setting.
You can set App site title, site logo, currency, currency Format, timezone , date format and default Bank that will be used thoroughout the app.The changes will reflect immediately.
Selecting a default bank is mandatory.You can add bank from Finance -> Account List

To add mail functionality you have to setup mail server first. To do this go to Mail Setting under Setting module. You have to fill up the following information.

SETUP cron job

You must set up a cron job setting on your server in order to get certain mail notification like document expiry remainder and many more. Please follow the below steps to do so :

On your hosting c-panel go to the advance section and click on the cron jobs.

Then under common settings section select the option of- Once Per Minute then on command field set the path. It should be something like this :
/usr/local/bin/php /home/your_project_folder/html/artisan schedule:run
Then click on add new cron job.
That's all.

Note :If you face any issues while setting up cron jobs,please contact support.

Customize Setting -> Language Setting.
Our system offers an extensive way of customizing your app with language or locale setting.You can easily customize/change any word or phrase the way you want your user to see . Moreover you can add a new language and then can create word or phrase of that language .

Customize Setting -> Variable Type.
Here you have to add different variable type that will be needed when adding new records.For example,In order to add leave record for an employee leave type is needed.You have to create the leave type first.

Customize Setting -> Variable Method.
Here you have to add different variable that will be needed when adding new records for some module.For example,In order to add job post record job category is needed.You have to create the job category first before adding a job post record.

Customize Setting -> IP Setting.
Here you can set your IP address so that employee's attendance (Clock-IN and Clock Out) can control by IP based. At first you have to conncet with internet. Then search the word "What is my IP" in Google. You will see the IP address for the internet network you're currently connected to. Copy that and store in your software. Multiple Ip address of multiple router/Wi-Fi network can be stored. If any employee is connect with these IP, then he can give the attendance by Clock-IN and Clock Out.

Employees -> Employee List(1).
You can view all the employees(active/inactive) and their related information here . You can also view their detailed information on the details page and update if needed.

Add Employee(2).
If you add an employee,he/she is automatically be added as an user and can log in using the username and password.Role can be selected while adding an employee.If an employee is selected as an admin s/he is given the permission to access all the resources of the software.If set otherwise, permissions can be manually set on Customize Setting -> Roles and Access Page

You can filter employess .

Employee Details can be seen using this button .

Administrator can see and manage Basic info of an employee.

Administrator can see and manage Immigration info of an employee. If you need to use corn job, please check SETUP Mail Server --> SETUP corn Job.

Emergency contact.
Emergency Contact of an employee can be added here .

Socail Profile.
Social Profile details of an employee .

Employee related documents can be added or updated here. A notification will be sent to the employee three days before the document expires.If you need to use corn job, please check SETUP Mail Server --> SETUP corn Job.

Qualification details of an employee.

Work Experience.
Previous work Experience of the employee can be added here.

Bank Account.
Bank account details of an employee.

Add/Update profile image of an employee.

Set Salary.
Salary of an employee can be set under this module.You can set the basic salary,allowances,commissions,loans etc.

Multiple allowances of an employee can be set under this module .

Multiple commissions of an employee can be set under this module .

Loan records of an employee can be set under this module .

You can find the Deductions records of an employee here.

Other payment.
Other payment related information can be added here.

Employee Overtime info. You can set total number of Overtime hour and per hour rate here which will be added up to that specific employee.

Detailed leave information of an employee till date.

Core HR.
Detailed information about award, travel, training, ticket, transfer, promotion , complaint, warning of an employee till date can be viewed here.

Project & Task.
Detailed information about the projects and tasks that have been assigned to the employee

Detailed information about the Payslips of an employee. You can view(1) or download(2) the payslip



Employees->Import Employee You can import employee information using a csv file . The imported employee information will be added in the user and employee record .

Note : If there is any error, the page will show you the error line, please fix that error and try to upload again.
Note : This is a batch process, so the action will need some time, please wait patiently.

User->User List
Here you can view the record of all the users. You can also add users using Add User(2) and also can redirect to Employee's and Client's add form. The purpose of this is to add user that can manage/edit the resources of the system. The user will have default access to all the resources.But you can change/limit the access using Roles and Access under Customize Setting

Assign Role
Assigning role to a user .By default, admin can access everything.If you want to limit specific user some resources or permissions you can add new role and assign that role to that particular user.

  1. Role :Go Back To Role Page
  2. Assign Role :Assign Role to a user

Select multiple user using checkbox and then assign a role to them.

User -> User Last Login.
You can view the last log in ip and log in date-time of a user.

Core HR -> Promotion.
You can add/edit promotion record for an employee. The promoted employee will be notified through in app notification

Core HR -> Award.
You can add/edit award record of an employee. The awarded employee will be notified through in app notification

Core HR -> Travel.
Admin can add/edit travel record of an employee. Moreover, admin can approve/reject travel request of an employee. The approved travel request record will send an in app notification to the respected employee

Core HR -> Transfer.
Admin can transfer an employee from one department to another department. The transferred employee will be notified through in app notification

Core HR -> Resignation.
Resignation records of employees. Admin can add and edit resignation information. The resignated employee will be notified through in app notification

Core HR -> Complaint.
Complain from an employee and against an employee can be seen and added here. Both of the employees will be notified .

Core HR -> Warning.
Admin can give warning to an employee. The warned employee will be notified through in app notification

Core HR -> Termination.
Admin can terminate an emoloyee. The terminated employee will be notified through in app notification

Organization -> Announcement.
Admin can publish an announcement here . The announcement will be displayed on the dashboard from start time to end time. All the users will be notified.

Organization -> Company Police.
Admin can add/update company policy here . adding or updating company policy will notify all the user.

Report -> Attendance.
Admin can view attendance info of all the employees here. Admin can select a specific date(1) and search(2) for attendance of all the employees on that particular date.

Detailed attendance info of the employee. The employee can clock in from their respective employee dashboard. If the clock in time is equal or before the employee shift in time then the clock in value will be the shift in time and the employee will be remarked to be present on time . If the clock in time is later then the shift in time, then it will be counted and calculated as late arrival. On the other hand, if the clock out time is before the employee shift out time then it will be counted and calculated as early leaving. If the clock out time is greater then the shift out time then it will be counted and calculated as overtime . If an employee clock in then clock out during shift time then the time s/he will remain clocked out will be counted as rest. Similarly, the total amount of time the employee remain clocked in will be counted as total work.

Report -> Date wise Attendance.
Admin can view datewise attendance info of a selected employee here. Admin can select start-end date(1) and search(2) for attendances of the employees on that date range.

Datewise attendance table

Report -> Monthly Attendance.
Admin can view Monthly attendance info of all the employees here. I will show the attendance info of the current month by default. There is also search/filter option.

Admin can select month,company or employee to filter out for the desired result.

Admin can update attendance of a certain employee. For that the admin will first search(1) for the specific date and employee that the attendance needs to be updated. Then admin can edit/update(2) that specific attendance or add(3) attendance on that date.

Search or Get (1)

Add (2)

Edit (3)

Timesheets->Import Attendance
You can import Attendance information using a csv file . The imported employee information will be added in the attendance table .

Note : If there is any error,the page will show you the error line, please fix that error and try to upload again.

Timesheets->Manage Holidays
Admin can add/update holiday information here . The employees will see the information of the published holidays on their dashboard.

Timesheets->Manage Leaves
Admin can add/update leave information here . Besides, admin can approve or reject leave request submitted by an employee . Employee will get a notification upon admin approval or rejection.

HR Reports->Payslip Report
Admin can view the payslip report here . By default,It will show the current month payment info. But admin can filter result using the search button.

HR Reports->Attendance Report
Admin can view the attendance report here . Admin can select a start and end date to find out the attendance info of that date range.

HR Reports->Training Report
Admin can view the training report here . Admin can select a start and end date to find out the attendance info of that date range.

HR Reports->Project Report
Admin can view the project report here . Admin can select a project or status and search for the result.

HR Reports->Task Report
Admin can view the task report here . Admin can select a task or status and search for the result.

HR Reports->Employee Report
All of the employees information can be found on this table. Admin can also search employee using search button.

HR Reports->Account Report
Detailed account report and financial details. Admin can select a bank and get their financial report or select a start and end date to get detailed account information on that date range.

HR Reports->Expense Report
Detailed expense report . Admin can select a category expense and then select a start and end date to get detailed expense information on that date range.

HR Reports->Deposit Report
Detailed expense report . Admin can select a category deposit and then select a start and end date to get detailed deposit information on that date range.

HR Reports->Transaction Report
Detailed transaction report . Admin can select a start and end date to get detailed transaction information on that date range.

Recruitment->Job Post
Admin can add(1)/update(2) job post here. If a job post status is published then only it will be shown on the front job page . You can view the front job page by clicking on the details(3) button.



Recruitment->Job Candidate
Admin can view the details of the applied Candidates here.


Recruitment->Job Interview
Admin can select from the applied candidates and call them for Interview using this module. The selected candidates will be notified through an email.

Admin can create html template for the front end of the website. They can create home,about and contact page using this module. These pages can be viewed on the url your_url/home, your_url/about and your_url/contact responsively.

Training->Training Type
Admin can add/update/delete training type. This is necessary before adding training record as training information depends on training type.

Admin can add/update/delete trainer that will conduct the training. This is necessary before adding training record as training information depends on trainer.

Training->Training List
Admin can add/update/delete training information. Admin can select multiple employees to a particular training program.

Payment -> New Payment.
Employee payroll information and payment can be managed here. Authorized user can view and pay employee.

The search filter can be used to search to get payroll information of the selected employees.

Payroll Table
You can pay employee or view their payment details.

the detailed information of the payslip of an employee . The net salary along with the details can be seen here . Admin can update the salary from the employee module by going to the details page of that employee.

Paid Info(2)
Paid info of an employee can be seen here.

You can download the payslip using this button.

Admin can pay an employee using this button. The net salary is calculated as follows:
Net Salary = net salary + (total allowances + commissions + total overtime + other payment) - (statutory deductions + monthly payable)
Note: The payment form fileds are not editable.If you want to change the payment, you have to go to the employee profile.
The paid amount will be deducted from the main account balance.

Bulk Payment
Admin can pay all employees or select a company or department to pay employees of that company or department . You can search for the employees that you want to pay to confirm before your desired action and then click on bulk payment to pay or just select the filter and click on bulk payment to pay as one go. Note: This is a batch process that will need some time. please wait patiently. The paid amounts will be deducted from the main account balance.

Payroll->Payment History
History of the successful payment to the employees till date. You can view(1) or download(2) the payslip form here.s

Performance->Goal Type
You can see performance goal type list for the employees.

Add New Type
You can add new goal type.

Performance->Goal Tracking
You can see performance goal tracking list for the employees.

Add New Goal Tracking (1)
You can add new goal tracking.

Edit Goal Tracking (2)
You can edit goal tracking.

You can see indicator list of peroformance.

Add New Indicator (1)
You can add new indicator info.

You can see apprisal list of peroformance.

Add New Indicator (1)
You can add new appraisal info of employee performance.

You can view all the events/occurance/deadline in a calendar(1) view in this module. Admin can also add events/occurance here using the option(2) section.

Admin can view/add/edit events here. The event can be for a specific company or a specific department. The related employees will get a notification for the approved event.

Admin can view/add/edit meeting here. Admin can select specific employees for a meeting and can notify them about the meeting.
If you set your meeting status Ongoing, then it will display in Calender.

Project Management -> Client.
Admin can view the current clients or add/update a client. Client can login with the credentials set by the admin and later can uodate the credentials. Client can request for new project or task. Client will be notified about the project update.

Add Client

Project Management -> Tax Type.
Admin can add/update tax type and tax rate here. This is important before creating an invoice as invoice total is dependent on tax rate.

Add tax Type

Project Management -> Project.
Admin can view/add/update a project and project details here. The requested projects of the client can also be seen here. Admin will be notified when a client creates a project. Admin can assign a project to certain employees. The assigned employees will be notified about the assigned projects.

Add Project

Project Details

Project Management -> Task.
Admin can view/add/update a task and task details here. Admin can add a task under a project or task can be added independently. Client can request for a task under a certain project, admin will be notified about the requested task. Admin can assign certain employees to a specific task,the employees will be notified about the assigned task.

Add Task

Task Details

Project Management -> Invoice.
Admin can create(1) an inovice for a project . The invoice will contain detailed(2) information about project cost. After successfully creating an invoice the status will be unpaid by default. But the admin can change the staus(3) to paid or send the invoice to the client. When the invoice status is unpaid it will not notify the client. If the invoice is ready then the admin can send it to the client. The client will be notified through both email and in app notification. When the client payment is receievd, the admin can change the status to paid. The client will be notified through both email and in app notification that the payment has been receievd.

Add Invoice

Admin can add items and their price dynamically. The sub total for an item will be calculated as follows:
Sub Total= (Qty * Unit price)- tax rate
Discount can also be added here if there is any. The grand total will be calculated as follows:
Grand Total=Total sub total - discount amount

Details of Invoice

Support Ticket Admin or Employee can open(1) a support a ticket for an issue. If a emoloyee request for a support ticket, the admin can approve and assign employee to resolve the issue. Details(2) page will show the detailed info of the ticket.

Add Ticket

Ticket Details

Finance -> Available Balance.
The current available balance of the bank. For each deposit or expense the available balance of the respected bank will update.

Finance -> Payee.
You can view/add payee information . Basically a payee is a person to whom money is paid or is to be paid.

Finance -> Payer.
You can view/add payer information . Basically a payer is a person who pays money.

Finance -> Deposit.
You can view/add deposit information . You can deposit money to the selected bank account.

Finance -> Expense.
All of the finance expenses can be seen here . Employee payment expenses will also appear here.

Finance -> Transaction.
Detailed transaction history till date is shown here.

Finance -> Transfer.
You can transfer balance from one account to another.

Assets -> Category.
Asset Category can be added/updated here.
Note : This is mandatory before adding asset record.

Assets -> Assets.
Asset info can be added/updated here and that asset can be assigned to an employee.

File Manager -> File Configuration.
Allowed file types/extensions can be added here. Moreover, the maximum file size can also be defined here.

File Manager -> File Manager.
You can add/update file for a certain department. You can also add external link e.g google drive,imagur etc.

File Manager -> Official Document.
You can add/update Official Documents here. You can also select the date when to send mail notification before the document expires. If you need to use corn job, please check SETUP Mail Server --> SETUP corn Job.

The system offers an informative,interactive and simple client dashboard. client can view all the project and invoice related information at a glance in the dashboard.

Client can view and track prject details and add new project request with project details. The admin will be notified about the project request.

Add Project

Client can view and track task details and add new task under a project. S/he can edit/update task details.

Add Task

The due/unpaid invoices can be seen here. Click(1) to see details.


Paid invoice and their details(1).


The system offers an interactive, easy to use employee dashboard. employee can view all of their relevant information at a glance in the dashboard. The sidebar will only show the module that the employee is permitted to access or us by the admin.

  1. Profile: Employee can go the profile page and update profile info if needed
  2. Clock In: Employee can clock in to mark his/her attendance. As soon as s/he clocked in their will be a clock out button to clock out. The system will record both the clock in and clock out time

Employee can view their payslips, awards and if their is any recent announcements or holidays. All of them are clickable and will show detailed information.

Employee can view their leave info, travel info and ticket info till date by clicking on the link. They can also request for new leave, travel or open a ticket if there is any issue.

Assigned projects, tasks and tickets of to the employee will be listed here. Employee can click on them for more details.

If You face any error like- 500 server error or 403 server error, please first go to your project root folder and open the .env file and set APP_DEBUG=true. Then go to the page where you faced the error and reload the page. Now you should take a screenshot and send it to us at Support : [email protected], It will us to quickly resolve the error.

1.New version release

Notification -

When a new version is prepared for releasing, a notification message in dashboard will be shown.

Procedure -

After clicking, it'll redirect to this page you will see the change log details & update button. Click the Upgrade button.

After upgrading, it'll redirect to you here.

Error -

If you see this notification during upgrade, please contact at Support Panel.

2.Bug Update

Notification -

If any bug found, a notification message in dashboard will be shown.

Procedure -

After clicking, it'll redirect to this page you will see the change log details & update button. Click the Update button.

After updating, it'll redirect to you here.

Error -

If you see this notification during update, please contact at Support Panel.

We are happy to provide support for any issues within our software. We also provide customization service for as little as $15/hour. So if you have any features in mind or suugestions, please feel free to knock us at Please note that we don't provide support though any other means (example- whatsapp, remote platform, comments etc). And if any client modify/add any code of our script and then face problem, we don't provide the support on that specific feature where he/she face problem. We only fix the bugs/issues if it's exists from previous. So, please refrain from commenting your queries on codecanyon or kocking us elsewhere.

Also, in case of any errors/bugs/issues on your installation, please contact us with your hosting details (url, username, password), software admin access (url, username, password) and purchase code. If your support period has expired, please renew support on codecanyon before contacting us for support.

Thank you and with best wishes - LionCoders